10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 10 (Thank Goodness It’s Over)

This could get interesting.

Picture 20One Confession

1. I’m not sure if writing a book is for me.

You know those two posts I did about writing a book and how much fun it was? I’ve stopped writing that book. I simply lost interest and stopped writing. It makes me very sad, but it is what it is. Maybe you never will see a book with “By Mikki Aaron” on the front cover.

Don’t start crying yet! Don’t lose hope! Things could turn around. Maybe there will be a book. Just not soon.

In hindsight, this might not be the most shocking confession I could have made, but the most shocking one could put my life on the line, not to mention the lives of countless civilians, my loved ones, and people who read this blog.

Blogging is just my escape, the way Clark Kent is Superman’s escape. It’s hard to be…you know, whatever…all the time. Sometimes you have to pretend you have a normal life. Tony Stark and I used to jokingly call this our “day job” until he decided to be an idiot and tell everyone that he’s Iron Man. So all this “mikkiaaron” and “Mikki Aaron” and “romantic poetry” and “mindless stupidity” I’m doing…it’s all just pretend. Even a…you know…needs a break sometimes. You know?

But in more important news, maybe all this book writing nonsense could have gone more smoothly. And maybe a novelist isn’t on my list of possible careers. Oh well, right?

Ciao for now,


10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 9

This has got to be one of the worst prompts of all time. But here we go.

Picture 20Two Smileys that Describe My Life Right Now


Look at how frustrated he is. He looks like he’s about to murder something. He’s saying, “I’m gonna freaking cut you.”

I’m not this frustrated, but I am pretty darn frustrated. There are lots of things that are frustrating, almost exclusively having to do with my social life and/or family life.They’re normal person frustrations, but despite the fact that they could be much worse, they are quite frustrating.


This guy looks so darn happy. I mean really. Just look at him.

This face is totally me because, despite my mild frustrations, I am content. Also, considering my tendency to think about romance…a lot…this blushy little thing could be me most waking hours.

Ciao for now,


10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 8

Picture 20Three Turn-ons

1. Intelligence. I honestly do not have the power within me to date someone unintelligent. And when I meet someone who clearly is brighter than your average lightbulb, it kind of sets off a spark.

2. A well-dressed guy. There are a few looks that aren’t appealing to me at all––slouchy, swaggy, MC Hammer, and hipster, to give a few examples––but there is one that will just about do me in. That’s right: classy. Classy guys aren’t necessarily wearing hoity-toity suits with fancy ties. It could be as simple as a shirt that’s the right size and shorts that are an appropriate length (just above to just below the knee). Classy could be sweaters and dress shirts too, just don’t do it like this:

3. A nice laugh or smile. For some people, a smile can brighten up a whole face. In my eyes, someone who is enjoying himself is the most attractive. My favorite kind of smile is the one with teeth showing. My favorite kind of laugh is pretty much any laugh (unless it sounds like a choking horse; that’s what mind sounds like).

Ciao for now,


10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 7

Picture 20

Four Turn-Offs

1. Tobacco and/or drugs and/or alcohol. I don’t want to date someone who smokes. I don’t want to date someone who will be obedient to some dealer, for the purpose of illegal substances. And I most certainly do not want to date someone who gets drunk regularly.

2. Those shirts with memes on them. They seem to display that the wearer has no life, and on top of that can’t come up with jokes by himself.

No, just not interested.

No, just not interested.

Yes, yes you are.

Yes, yes you are.

…is what you'll be doing when I reject you, Lady Gaga.

…is what you’ll be doing when I reject you, Lady Gaga.

3. Annoying opinions. I won’t go into specifics ‘cuz I don’t want to offend anybody, but there are a lot of opinions that really tick me off. And those opinions will prevent me from dating the poor sucker who has them.

4. Moustaches. I get it, the whole “moustache” thing is in right now, what with necklaces and t-shirts. But they are not attractive. They make you look like a weird, creepy person when they’re by themselves on your face. And that’s why I will never date a guy with a moustache.

Oh, gross.

Oh, gross.

Ciao for now,


10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 5

Halfway through this!

Picture 20Six Things I Wish I’d Never Done

1. Started this challenge. I have no idea where I’m going to get five more regrets.

2. Liked that one guy. The only reason I liked him was because of this fabricated story that had me convinced that he liked me back, but he didn’t. And everyone knew that I liked him. And that’s probably why no one likes me.

3. This one kid mentioned that he didn’t like his family situation. I said, “Well that’s optimistic,” sarcastically. I wasn’t even THINKING that he was being ridiculous, or stupid, or pessimistic. Literally NO idea why those words came out of my mouth. Wish I’d never done that.

4. Discovered the internet. My days of productivity are over.

5. A while back I was a total non-conformist. Probably another reason people don’t like me.

6. Been in that relationship. It wasn’t a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but it was still a relationship. And it still hurt.

Ciao for now,


10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 4

Picture 20Seven Things that Cross My Mind a Lot

1. I’m not sure I want to be around this guy. Why is he still here if we all hate him?

2. I can’t believe she doesn’t get it. I mean, how can she not get it. Everything is laying right out in front of her.

3. Does my hair look okay?

4. God, I’m so hungry. Feed me.


6. Well that was awkward.

7. I should probably go exercise…

Ciao for now,


10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 3

Saying how many people have won my heart in the past, this one might be a little tricky. But I will think of what would make me melt.

(Hint: just one of these things won’t make you boyfriend material. There are lots of standards I have based on age and personality among other things, and I will not sell myself/lower my standards.)


Eight Ways to Win My Heart

1. Write a song or perform someone else’s. Preferably, you will be singing and playing either guitar or ukulele. (Of course, what do you expect? I mean I’m a girl so obviously that’s going to be the case.)

2. Be  funny. Don’t be that obnoxious funny with crude jokes and such, which is funny to me, I’ll admit, but not the kind of funny that will make me fall for you. Preferably, the humor is somewhat sarcastic and clever, the kind of jokes Han Solo would tell.

3. Tell me that something (or a lot of things) I do are amazing. Compliment me on something I write or draw, or the way my voice sounds. If you really mean it, tell me I look nice. WARNING: BE HONEST! I’ll know if you’re making it up. That’s almost as bad as telling me my drawings, stories, poems, and/or singing are terrible.

4. Be sweet. Show some interest in having a conversation with me, listen as well as speak, speak as well as listen. Consider and remember things I tell you, refer to them in the future if they come up again. Don’t be creepy about it though (it should be clear where to draw the line).

5. Become interested in something that you know I like. Don’t fake it. As weak a reason as it sounds, common interests are an important basis in any kind of relationship and so they are, too, in liking someone. Especially if you find this interest because I like it. Not sure why, exactly, but that seems cute. Just don’t be creepy about it. WARNING: DON’T FAKE IT!

6. Be intelligent. I have zero interest in people with low IQs. If you’re posting on Facebook, don’t be stupid about it. Don’t be stupid with your friends (at least not around me.)

7. Be nice to everyone. If you’re a total sweetheart to me, but treat my friends or maybe even people I don’t know like poop, then you’re just a bully in my eyes. A lying bully, too. And if you’re not nice to me, then clearly you don’t stand a chance dating me. There is NOTHING attractive about a jerk.

8. Always tell the truth straight-up, unless it could be offensive. This includes: if you like something I do, if you don’t like something I do, if I chew with my mouth open, if I wear too much makeup, and, if we’re not together, if you like me. Girls will ALWAYS want boys to let them know when they like them, it’s a fact of life that applies to about 97% of the single female population.

Wow, that’s it. I did it.

Maybe I should have guys I know read this.


Ciao for now,


10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 2

At first I was like, “Hey, writing about myself, this is gonna be so easy!” And then I was like, “LOL NOPE.”

It’s surprisingly difficult to write a blog post all about yourself. You think you know yourself…

…but you DON’T.

It’s crazy.

But here goes nothing.

10day_challengeNine Things About Myself

1. I love my hair more than I love most people. It’s beautiful, dark, and keeps me from being bald. When you think about it that way, it does more for me than most people ever could (which means it earns that love!). There’s also this conditioner that smells like pomegranate and magic herbs or something and I keep smelling it.

2. Star Wars and the Inheritance Cycle are pretty much the only things I’m a nerd for. But considering the depths of my hardcore obsession, they alone give me a pretty high geek rating.

3. I like getting attention. I won’t lie or hurt feelings or anything to get it, it’s just that I crave positive, supportive attention from pretty much everyone (as long as it’s not too creepy). The amount of views on my blog, for example, can affect my opinion of my writing.

4. My bicycle is my favorite chair.

5. One of my closest friend lives a few hours away by car and I haven’t seen her for more than a year.

6. My ideal guy would wear a sweater over a dress shirt and skinny jeans, his hair would be short and put into a tiny faux hawk in the front. Plus, he would have a personality just as classy.

7. I am definitely a dog person.

8. One of my favorite things to do is drawing. The main subject matter is sad people or couples, with the latter being more often. I can’t draw things that aren’t human beings very well but I’m pretty good at drawing human beings.

9. Apparently I talk about my blog a lot with my friends and apparently I pronounce “blog” weird or something. Ever since these facts were presented to me, I’ve been trying to avoid talking about my blog in front of them (so far I’ve been so unsuccessful).

Ciao for now,


10-Day Blog Challenge…Day 1

One of the bloggers I follow has been doing a blog challenge, which makes her post daily. Seeing as my blog ideas are slowly wearing thin, I decided to do one myself. The one I chose didn’t require me to post pictures of myself or anyone else, and it forces the blogger taking on the challenge to think a little more deeply than many of the other challenges. So without further ado, here goes nothing.

10day_challengeTen Things I Want to Say to Ten Different People Right Now

1. I’ll do it eventually, but I feel like I shouldn’t have to.

2. Thanks, mom. You’re the best. I love you!

3. You are cute and really smart, and on top of that your voice is delicious. Do you want to hang out some time this summer?

3.5. Oh my gosh you are gorgeous.

4. Stop telling yourself you’re not beautiful. You are.

5. Get out of my life.

6. He’s not real.

7. Learn to play drums. Seriously, if you want to be a drummer you have to know how to drum.

8. I’m sorry about being so awkward and saying what I said. It’s just that I don’t usually function socially, and that time was no exception.

9. I wish I watched Doctor Who! Then we could nerd out about it together. But sadly, broadcast television doesn’t have BBC.

10. Either get over him or ask him out. He’s either not interested or too shy to be the one to start the relationship.

Ciao for now,
